Moving on from loss

Grief can be complicated, multifaceted response to loss. It doesn’t have to be just death but can be any sort of loss. My bereavement and loss counselling service is here to help all people trying to deal with grief.

Grief can be complicated, multifaceted response to loss. It doesn’t have to be just death but can be any sort of loss. My bereavement and loss counselling service is here to help all people trying to deal with grief.


Support for Parents

If your child has extra challenges including mental health difficulties counselling can help cope with the extra difficulties  more  

Aging and Illness

My counselling sessions may help you towards finding a new identity, or a new you. Or they may simply open a path towards dealing with your illness or advancing age in a more philo...  more  


The breakup of any relationship can feel like a physical trauma, and indeed, it can have physical consequences through stress and depression   more  

Job loss

With the help of my counselling and advice, you can find a new way forwards, perhaps by reinventing yourself, or by finding a new home for your skills and experience  more  

Loss of a baby

Losing a baby, through miscarriage or stillbirth, is an especially traumatic event to go through. No one should have to suffer this loss alone, or without expert help.   more  


The breakup of a family or splitting up with a long-term partner can leave you feeling alone and isolated, financially struggling, and unsure of your future path in life.   more  


Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things we can go through as people. You do not have to go through this alone.   more