Parenting Therapy in London



child playing with playdoh in therapy session

Building confidence and resilience for your child's learning journey

All parents have to navigate challenges as their children grow and develop. However, if your child has extra challenges including mental health difficulties, this can be more complex. With the right support it is possible to be a good parent and to care and support your child/children in a positive way. My counselling as a private therapist in London can help you cope with the everyday challenges of parenting, understand the impact of your mental health on your children, and deal with isolation and peoples' negative ideas concerning mental health problems.

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Improve the parent-child relationship

Raising a family should be challenging and intensely rewarding. However if the relationship between you and your child has broken down, it may feel like you are being hit with all the challenges without any reward. With parenting therapy, you can develop a better understanding of your child's needs, emotions and behaviours. With effective communication and improved confidence, you and your child can salvage a troubled relationship and help both parties feel more empowered and in control.

A supportive place to talk through your problems

Sometimes, discussing your parenting issues with a third party can help you work through your problems without any direct advice. Likewise having someone to listen to you is useful in helping to deal with stress, frustration, and other emotional challenges associated with parenting. With our support you can developing healthy coping mechanisms and self-care practices to maintain emotional well-being during the challenging parts of being a parent.