Job Loss Therapy in London



Man sitting on sand by beach at sunset

Job Loss Therapy in London

Losing a job can be highly traumatising in terms of the disruption it can cause to your life. It may entail financial difficulties, moving home, or simply the loss of a well-established routine and identity. If you want help and guidance at this difficult time I am here to listen, and help you find a new beginning with your career.

With the help of my counselling and advice, you can find a new way forward, perhaps by reinventing yourself, or by finding a new home for your skills and experience. By helping you in evaluating your skills, achievements, and abilities, my therapy will help you take control of your life and your future.

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Coping strategies

Coping with job loss involves managing a range of practical and emotional challenges. With my help you can find ways to deal with stress, uncertainty, and anxiety over the future. These strategies may include relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, journaling, or engaging in activities that bring comfort and solace.

Motivation and encouragement

Job loss can be demoralising and may lead to feelings of hopelessness or despair. I can provide impetus towards proactive job search efforts, or help you find new direction in your life. Job loss can also shake self-esteem and sense of identity, leading to feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. By reframing your perspective and focusing on your strengths and accomplishments, you can rebuild your confidence and sense of identity.